Mission Statement & Priorities
Mission Statement
The Park Surgery aims to provide high quality health care in a responsive, supportive, courteous and cost-effective manner.
We will:
- Ensure patients are at the heart of everything we do. Listening and understanding their needs and empowering them to make decisions about their care
- Work within the framework of NHS Primary Care Services to provide professional medical, nursing and other services which meet the identified needs of patients
- Promote best practice through utilising specialist expertise within the practice team and externally and encouraging the continuous professional development of all members of the practice team
- Promote a culture which is innovative, forward looking and adaptable
- Take into account the evidence provided by scientific and medical research in our treatment

- Conveying compassion in words and action
- Assessing and responding to needs
- Providing an appropriate range of services
- Maintaining a health promoting environment
Respecting all
- Showing courtesy
- Listening
- Provision of care without prejudice or discrimination
- Being especially supportive to the vulnerable
Working as a team
- Relating well within the team
- Value, respect and encourage each other, openly and proactively sharing knowledge and skills
- Co-operating with other teams
- Encouraging responsible involvement by our patients
Being honest and fair
- Promote an open and transparent organisational culture
- Speaking and acting truthfully
- Being accountable for our actions
Learning and improving
- Adapting to change
- Building on achievements
- Developing our services